Deepika Priyadarshani
Lyricist: Kumaradasa Saputanthri Musician: Rohana Weerasinghe
Gm / m4-30b

පිතු සෙනෙහේ - Gm (Orig Key: Gm)

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Intro/Interlude (*)

|Am |- |- |-

|E |- |Am |-

|Am |E |Am |-

|E |E7 |Am |-


|Am |- |C |- |E |- |Am |-

pithu sEnEhee pidhu piyEku nomzthi lowe - dhuu dharuwan hinzhii zthidhoo

|Dm |- |- |F |F |C |Am |-

ungee sithe rzNdhi thaniye makannete - mawunete kawedhaa hzki weedhoo


|Am |- |G |- |G |- |Am |-

hiru maNdeLak see kireNe bEdhaa dhii - nuge sEwenak see sisile sadhaa dhii

|Am |Dm |- |E

jiiwitheyee bare urin dharaa

|E |- |Am |- |E |- |Am |-

piyewerumayi lowe maha sayurak wii - poLowe niwaalannee


| | | | | | | |

mEth mudhithaa guNe sithEhi dharaa - pErum puraa iNdhe sasere puraa

| | | |

ammaaweru mathu budhu wannee

| | | | | | | |

piyewerumayi lowe budhu wene mawunete - ee wiwereNe dhEnnee

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